Last weekend I attended the Passionfest festival hosted by the Ngatiawa community near Waikanae.
It was a fantastic weekend (apart from the coldest night I have ever spent in a tent - there really was a frost on Saturday morning).
It was my first time there and a statement I often heard over the weekend sums up the spirit of the event - "If you see something that needs doing, it probably means you're the one to do it."
If only that philosophy was more prominent in my own life and the life of the church as a whole.
There were three keynote speakers.
Andrew Jones, who has one of the most popular Christian blogs on the planet, spoke on social justice and the need to connect rich people (those with resources) with the poor (those who need resources). ie, don't despise the rich.
Dave Andrews spoke twice. His first message was about his work with people of different faiths. It was very very thought provoking. His second message was about the beatitudes and being the change we want to see.
I enjoyed Daves new take on the Serenity prayer.
Lord, Grant me the serenity
to accept the people
I can not change,
the courage
to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know
-it's me.
Alison Robinson, a chaplain at Rimutaka prison and part of Urban Vision, spoke on running the race 'til the end. She covered four main points.
1. Examining our core beliefs.
2. Recognising that life is a continuous choosing.
3. Throwing off everything that hinders us.
4. Hope. Those who hope in the Lord will renew there strength.
The only negative over the weekend (apart from being very tired - my fault) was that our team didn't win the Pub Quiz.
There's a good article here about this years event.
Heres a few photos from the weekend.